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Wondering where your relationship stands? Take the "Is it Love" Test to uncover the dynamics of your connection. Respond to each scenario with your gut feeling to gauge love, jealousy, and maybe even dislike in your partnership. Your answers, ranging from public displays of affection to handling disagreements, will paint a picture of where you're at. The test breaks down these complex emotions into percentages, offering a unique look into how love, hate, and jealousy interplay in your relationship. Ready to see what's up with you and your significant other? Let's dive in!

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Cherishing the Love Peak

Your relationship is like a fire – passionate love mixed with the heat of jealousy. While the love is strong and vibrant, jealousy can cloud its beauty. It’s crucial to address what fuels this jealousy. Is it lack of communication, insecurities, or something else? Finding the root cause and working on it together can turn this fire into a warm, comforting glow. Engage in trust-building activities, be transparent with each other, and don’t forget to celebrate the love that brought you together. This balance is delicate, but with care and understanding, it can lead to a deeper, more meaningful connection.

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"Is it Love?"
How often do you kiss in public?
How quickly do they reply to your texts?
Do they like/comment on your social media posts?
Have they introduced you to their friends/family?
How do they react to receiving gifts from you?
Do they remember important dates (anniversaries, birthdays)?
How do they react when you talk about future plans together?
How do they react when you mention someone else finding you attractive?
How do they show affection when you're alone?
How do they handle arguments or disagreements?
How much interest do they show in your day-to-day life?
How often do they compliment you?
How do they react when you're going through tough times?
How do they respect your personal space and time?
How do they react to surprise visits or plans?

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