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Curious about the strength of your friendship? The "Friendship Check" Test is your go-to. It evaluates your bond through everyday scenarios, from remembering important dates to handling disagreements. Simply answer each question to see how your friend scores on support, trust, and respect. Your total score places your friendship in categories ranging from "Ride or Die BFF" to "Ghosting Material," with tailored advice for each outcome. Ready to see where your friendship stands? Dive into the test!

Test any friend you choose. Discover the authenticity of your friendship!


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Ride or Die BFF

In this score range, your friend earned the title of "Ride or Die BFF." This is the kind of friend who's there for you through thick and thin. Your friend is not just dependable but incredibly loyal, standing by your side in all situations. Your bond is characterized by trust, unwavering support, and a deep mutual respect that makes your friendship a treasure. Nurture and cherish this connection because finding such a gem is rare. Continue to create lasting memories together and celebrate the beauty of this extraordinary friendship.

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How often does your friend reach out to you to chat or make plans?
Does your friend remember your important dates (e.g., birthday)?
When you're feeling down or upset, how often does your friend check in on you?
Do they respect your boundaries and personal space?
How do they handle disagreements or conflicts in your friendship?
Have they ever betrayed your trust or shared your secrets without permission?
Are they supportive of your personal goals and aspirations?
How do they handle your achievements or successes in comparison to their own?
When you need advice or a listening ear, how available is your friend?
Do they frequently make hurtful or sarcastic comments?
Have they ever borrowed money from you and not paid it back?
How do they react when you have differing opinions or beliefs?
Are they honest and straightforward with you, even when it's difficult?
How do they treat your other friends or acquaintances?
When you need help or a favor, how willing are they to assist?

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