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Green Light or Red Flag? Discover Now

Let’s talk real talk, shall we? Picture this: you’re cruising through the wild world of today's romance, swiping left and right, liking Instagram posts, and sending heart emojis like it’s NBD. At first, it’s all fun and games, then it becomes a little tiresome. The real problem, however, comes when you get hurt all of a sudden, and you don’t understand where that came from. I mean, your love interest most likely seemed perfectly fine when things started. You see, in between all this flurry of texts and selfies, there are some sneaky red flags lurking in the shadows – and trust me, if you really want to build a strong and lasting relationship, you don’t want to ignore them.

Now, what exactly are those red flags? Think of them as warning signs that something might be off in your relationship. They’re like those flashing lights and blaring sirens telling you to step back and re-evaluate what’s going on. From communication to trust issues, these red flags can indicate deeper problems that call for your attention. I know, I know, you’re already asking yourself “how do I spot these sneaky flags before they wreak havoc on my love life? Is there any one major clue?” And the answer is YES! Well, almost, but I am here to help you out.

Rule number one: trust your guts! As they say, if something feels off, it most probably is. Your instincts are like your personal GPS navigating you through the relationship maze. If something doesn’t feel right, don’t ignore it. Your intuition is there for a reason – to protect you from potential heartache and drama. For starters, you must pay attention to how your partner treats you. Are they always canceling plans last minute or making you feel like you’re walking on eggshells? Or maybe they straight up ghosting you, never picking up when you call and leaving you with texts labeled as ‘unread’? That’s a red flag waving high, my friend. Constantly canceling plans without a solid reason or explanation and simply not replying back when you reach out, means they not only barely care about spending time together, but they also disrespect your personal time in general. Time is our most valuable asset, and if someone does not appreciate your time, they basically don’t appreciate YOU!

What about communication? I see you! Here’s the deal: healthy relationships are built on a foundation of open and honest communication. If you find yourself in a situation where you can’t have a real convo without it turning into World War III, it’s time to reassess. Your partner should be your go-to person for sharing your hopes and dreams, your fears and concerns – not someone who shuts you down or makes you feel small by any measure. If you feel belittled, just move on with no regrets. In the end, nothing will feel as small as their ego when you find your happiness with someone else.

Does it sound like your current situation yet? Want some more? I got you! Repeat after me: boundaries are my BFFs. Seriously, though, setting boundaries is crucial for maintaining a healthy relationship. It’s about knowing your limits and communicating them clearly to your partner. If they’re constantly pushing your boundaries or making you feel uncomfortable, it’s a major red flag that they might not take you for who you are. I see you’re already thinking you might come off as a selfish person for putting your needs and desires first. But here’s the thing - if you’re not comfortable around your partner, it will eventually backfire. Tell me, are you able to go the extra mile every day to satisfy someone’s needs without being satisfied yourself? I doubt it. It’s a one way ticket to burn out. Remember, if you are happy - they are happy. Works both ways.

You didn’t think I’d forget about toxic relationships, did you? Gaslighting, jealousy that’s not backed up, possessiveness, constant criticism and control - these are all signs of toxic behavior. Remember, toxic people are often good at manipulating facts, your thoughts and feelings. They often flip tables around making YOU feel guilty for their own deeds. “I cheated on you because YOU didn’t pay enough attention. If you spent more time with me, I’d never have done that! You made me do it!” Sounds familiar? Such people will do everything to make you feel in the wrong, no matter the situation, and believe you will! Just run and never look back.

In conclusion, navigating the world of relationships can be tricky, especially in today’s day and age, where making wrong decisions is as easy as breathing. But by keeping an eye out for red flags and trusting your instincts, you can stay away from unwanted drama and find love that’s worth it. So keep your eyes peeled and swipe right on love that’s as epic as your TikTok dances. 

We’re covered some major red flags, but if you still have doubts about whether you should stick to your ‘swipe’, I’ve got you covered! Our team created an amazing test you can try out to finally make your ultimate decision. Stay or run, the truth is a few clicks away. Good luck!


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