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How to Use This Test:

The 'Dating Red Flags Test' is designed to help you assess the health of your current romantic relationship. It's meant to reflect on the behaviors and traits of your partner and how they impact your relationship. Answer each question thinking about your partner's actions and your experiences with them.

Find out your “Red Flag” Score for Anyone You're Interested in!


Looks like a

Red flag


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This looks pretty Red Flagish!

You're basically on a love high, and that's rare and precious. But hey, even at these heights, don't overlook those other emotions. A bit of jealousy or a dash of disagreement can sneak in. It's all about keeping it real and talking things out. Plan surprise dates, share your dreams, but also be open about what bugs you. This way, you keep the love fresh and the misunderstandings at bay. Remember, the strongest relationships are those that embrace and overcome challenges together.

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"Is it A red flag?"
Do they often cancel plans at the last minute?
How do they react when you disagree on something?
Are they secretive about their phone or social media?
Do they make you feel guilty for spending time with friends or family?
How do they treat waitstaff or service workers?
Do they frequently talk negatively about their exes?
How do they handle disagreements in public?
Do they try to control your appearance or clothing choices?
How often do they bring up their past relationships?
Do they show signs of possessiveness or jealousy?
How do they react when you achieve something significant?
Do they avoid introducing you to their friends or family?
How do they handle financial matters in the relationship?
Do they frequently make hurtful or sarcastic comments?
Are they consistent in their communication and actions?

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