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How to Use This Test:

Dive into the Sexual Compatibility Test! This is all about discovering how you and your partner vibe together, cutting straight to what matters in your connection. It's quick, meant for anyone to take on their own, and digs into the heart of your emotional and physical compatibility. After answering some straightforward questions, you'll get customized feedback to help your relationship flourish, pinpointing areas where you're in sync and where there's room to grow. Eager to uncover the unique chemistry between you two? Let's jump in!

Results Example


You are a

Great Match


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Great Match

You guys are totally acing the sexual compatibility vibes! 🚀 Imagine your relationship as this awesome ride—smooth cruising with those perfect spikes of thrill. You're not at the ultimate peak yet, but you're definitely on the ascent. Your foundation? Rock-solid. It's built on a bedrock of respect, understanding, and a solid game plan for navigating both the chill rides and the intense sprints. Major kudos for keeping communication wide open and being ready to find middle ground when it's called for. That's the good stuff. Keep that momentum by diving into new experiences with eagerness, exploring each other’s desires with a mix of curiosity and zeal, and doubling down on your growth as a power couple. Remember, the beauty's in the journey, and with your commitment to each other, you're on the route to somewhere truly spectacular.

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"Sexual Compatibility"
You want to try new prelude ideas or new stuff in bed. How do they react?
When you're all about those chill vibes like cuddling or hand-holding, how does your partner roll?
You bring up the importance of being safe and healthy in the bedroom. How would your partner respond?
You pitch the idea of adding mutual self-care practices to your routine(e.g., massages, shower together). How does your partner react?
It's been a minute without getting it on, how does your partner suggest getting things going?
Do you and your partner have similar views on porn?
How often do you and your partner want each other at the same time?
You surprise your partner with a flirty gesture. How do they respond?
You reject sex due to stress/fatigue. How does your partner react?
How would your partner react to a sexy playlist you suggested?
You tell your partner you don’t like some aspects of sex with them. How would they respond?
How does your partner react to your past sexual experiences (if any)?
You ask your partner for more 'sexy time'. How would they react?
Does your partner value emotional connection in intimacy as much as you do?
Post-argument about your sex life, how's the comeback?

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