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How to Use This Test:

Ready to explore how queer you are? Dive into this test with total honesty—it's private, just for you, so you can be as open as you want. Answer each question reflecting on your personal feelings and experiences to uncover where you stand on the queer spectrum. This safe space is designed for your self-exploration. By the end, you'll have a clearer picture of where you stand on the queer spectrum. Remember, this journey is yours, and every step towards self-discovery is worth celebrating. Let’s get started!

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You are



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You’re Traditionally Oriented

You're vibing with what's familiar, and that's entirely cool. Your journey is your own, and embracing what genuinely resonates with you is key. While you may lean towards traditional perspectives, the world is a kaleidoscope of experiences. Being open to learning about diverse identities and stories doesn't mean changing your core; it means enriching your understanding of the vast tapestry of human experience. Consider this an invitation to explore the edges of your map at your own pace, knowing that growth often happens in the spaces between what we know and what we're curious about. Stay true, stay open, and let the journey of understanding others enrich your own path.

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"Explore your Queerness"
How do you resonate with traditional gender roles in love and life?
How do you feel about experimenting with your attractions?
Thoughts on labeling your sexual orientation?
LGBTQ+ relationships getting screen time – your reaction?
Engagement with the LGBTQ+ scene?
New perspectives on gender and sexuality hit your feed – reaction?
Thinking about your celeb crushes, how's the lineup?
Your last few swipes on dating apps were mostly...?
Fantasizing about your ideal romantic scenario, who's in it?
At a party, who are you hoping to bump into?
Your reaction to a same-gender crush revealing they’re into you?
Reflecting on past relationships, what patterns do you see?
What’s your take on open relationships and polyamory?
Your thoughts on the whole kids and traditional family setup?
Being your most authentic self – how’s it going?

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