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How to Use This Test:

Start your archetype discovery by simply choosing the option that feels most true to you for each question. Trust your first instinct. Your results will reveal a percentage breakdown of your archetypes, providing an initial glimpse into your unique personal strengths. Keep in mind, this is just the beginning of your deeper journey into self-discovery.

Find out your "Archetype Type"!









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Unveiling Your Archetype: A Path Forward

Uncovering your dominant archetype—Warrior, Scholar, Healer, or Connector—marks the beginning of an insightful journey into self-awareness. This discovery highlights your inherent strengths and potential areas for growth. As you explore the nuances of your archetype below, consider how these traits manifest in your life and relationships. This reflection is a step toward leveraging your unique qualities for personal growth and fulfillment. Embrace this newfound understanding as a guide to navigating life with greater authenticity and purpose.

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"What’s your type?"
When facing a challenge, you usually:
Your friends would describe you as:
In a team, you are more likely to be:
Your ideal vacation is:
In your free time, you prefer to:
What motivates you the most?
Your approach to problem-solving is:
Which of these do you value the most?
When making decisions, you rely on:
Your dream job would be:

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What's the name (or nickname) of the person you have in mind?

*It's just for your reference; no one is going to see it


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